
To The Road Less Traveled

Where Less is More & Adventure Awaits Around Every Turn!

What adventure is your soul calling you to next?

NEO Life  |  NEO Education  |  NEO Business  |  NEO Soul Journey

Encouragement & Support as you embark on your New Eyes Open Life Adventure.

Calling All Pioneers

We've been sold an old story claiming that outdated strategies for living, learning, working, parenting and believing lead to "success", but we're waking up to see that those strategies no longer work.  

It's time to shift our perspective, see our life with New Eyes Open, and embrace a new strategy!  It's time to write your own story!

Welcome to NEO Strategic!

NEO Self

Remember who you are and lovingly embrace all parts of yourself and your story.  We were created to fulfill a divine purpose and live a free and empowered life.  Return home to your true essence and learn to stand tall, shine bright, and run free while fully embracing your unique adventure and raising kids who are free to

 embrace theirs too!

NEO Life

Redesign your life to reflect the great adventure your inner child always knew it could be!  Dream big, plan for adventure, and enjoy the ride of your life as you begin living in full alignment with your core values and highest purpose alongside your kids.  Together let's design a harmonious life that integrates all aspects of

your NEO Self!

NEO Tribe

The process of following your soul's call can create a shift in relationship dynamics that can leave you feeling off kilter.  You may feel called to leave your current community as you forge a new path forward for yourself & your kids.  This migration can be a lonely process and our NEO Tribe exists to help

bridge that gap.


Free Your Kids,  Free Your Inner Child, & Free Yourself!

What if I told you that you could do all three at once?  

What does living adventurously with your kids mean to YOU?  If you're a mom, then right now, your highest purpose and what your heart wants most, is to be present with your kids and raise them to be healthy, emotionally regulated, and empowered adults.  But that's not what the current cultural narrative would have you believe.  It's time to return home to our hearts ladies!  We can be present with our families AND pursue our heart's desires simultaneously.

Reject the narrative and embrace your greatest adventure!  

Design a Life Adventure that Allows Your Soul to Shine Brightly Again!

What does your ideal future look like?

What is your heart guiding you towards and/or away from?

What rhythms, processes  and systems do you need in place to live harmoniously?

What type of homeschooling learning adventure works for you & your kids?

Together we'll create a NEO Life Adventure Plan for the next phase of your adventure that encompasses ALL aspects of your NEO Self & Life.




If you’ve been looking for a home away from home for your adventurous soul, look no further!

We were never meant to do this alone!  

We are a community of empowered, adventurous moms forging a new way forward for ourselves, our kids, and society as a whole.  We’re here to support one another as we find our way back home to our hearts and intentionally design a NEO Life Adventure for ourself & our families.

We’re Dreaming BIG, Planning for Adventure, & Enjoying the Ride of Our Lives TOGETHER!

Won’t you join us!

Meet Your NEO Life Adventure Guide


Lil' Steph

The FRee Spirit  |  Inner Child

This is actually a picture of my baby girl, but it perfectly captures my own inner child who just wants to be free to follow her dreams of living in wide open spaces where I feel closest to my Creator, in constant awe of all creation, and full of love for all of it.  From a very young age I just wanted to explore, understand and love new ideas, people, and places.  I have learned so much from the people I've met and the places I've been.  Nature, time, space, and our presence are what our children need most.


 The Visionary  |  Change Catalyst

I've been a dreamer and visionary my entire life.  At a very young age I was dreaming of living on a ranch anywhere there were wide open spaces with cattle and horses.  I also dreamed of being a mom, caring for and guiding children, and bridging gaps between cultures, belief systems, and languages.  My greatest dream, is for a world where love prevails and our children are truly free to be who they were created to be.  I'm still dreaming and believing while enjoying the ride along the way!


The Strategist  |  Lifelong Learner

I have spent many years exploring human nature, experimenting with various 'success' strategies, studying the science of how we learn and acquire new information that is practical and applicable  throughout various stages of life.  For many years, I bought into the old strategy that I needed more degrees and certifications to prove that I knew the information that I had acquired through my lived experiences.  Travel & Motherhood have by far been my greatest teachers, with teaching coming in right behind them.


The Mother | Nurturer - Lover - Believer

My children have been the greatest blessings and wake-up calls of my life.  My desire to be a loving, present, nurturing mom has been the catalyst for each major twist and turn of my life adventure, including this one.  I don't just want to tell my girls to dream big and believe that dreams come true.  I want to show them!  I want to help wire their brains to believe in the limitless possibilities that exist if we truly do believe rather than have to rewire their brains from old, limited conditioning when they're my age.  I don't just want this for my kids though, I want this for your kids too!  Don't you?  

Join our NEO Tribe now, and get support and encouragement.   JOIN US TODAY!

New Eyes Open Podcast

Real people.

Real stories.


Want to follow along on our journey?

I'm documenting my current journey step by step.  I'll be sharing the tips, practical strategies and life lessons that I pick during this phase of my traveling single mom entrepreneurial unschool journey.

Hello world!


"The real voyage of discovery consists in not seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes."

~Marcel Proust