Choosing Your Next Adventure Intentionally
In a world where possibilities are endless, the idea of choosing your next life adventure can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Whether you're a seasoned traveler, a digital nomad, or someone looking to break free from the ordinary, making an intentional choice about your next chapter is key to ensuring it aligns with your values, goals, and desires.
Make 2023 the Best Yet! - 3 Alternative Ways to Plan for Success
If you’re like most small business owners I know, you may be kicking yourself in the rear for not getting your annual plan created back in December. So if you’re feeling like you’re already behind this year, STOP, because you’re not! Don’t beat yourself up about it, because that seriously never helps anyone, instead let me help you look at this situation with a new set of eyes. I know most entrepreneurs have every intention of creating a plan for the coming year during the months of November or December, but I actually don’t plan that way myself and never have.