The Heart of the Matter
In 2019, I could no longer work in the public school system. Leaving my own children everyday in order to teach other people’s children in a system that I witnessed kill their natural creativity and joy of learning year after year was breaking my heart. Also, I felt like a caged animal trapped indoors when I was meant to be outside in nature with the trees and sunshine and my children.
Something deep within me was pulling me towards a bigger dream and a life that I had never before imagined was possible. My driving motivation was twofold. I had a big dream from childhood of living a more natural life. I just couldn’t see that dream ever becoming reality by continuing to live the comfy, socially acceptable, mediocre 9-5 life that I had bought into and had funneled me into a “work until retirement THEN play” mentality. Plus I had a real fear that I wasn’t going to make it to retirement age alive.
But even more importantly, and what ultimately drove me to make the big leap from a traditional lifestyle into a very alternative lifestyle, was the belief that my kids deserved better. They deserved to live free. They deserved to experience the natural joy of learning and experiencing life. They deserved to learn in a way that conditioned them into entrepreneurship versus the old and outdated industrial workforce. They deserved more of my undivided attention.
The systems that we’ve bought into no longer serve us. Our kids, now more than ever, need the adults in their lives to do the inner work, realign themselves with their core values and the longings of their heart and then redesign their life so that our children have a better chance at developing into who they were naturally created to BE.
Are you ready to embark on a new path and start living the life you were created for?