Into the Unknown
Navigating Seasons of Change
Where do you go when the place that once felt like home, no longer feels like home and a clear call to leave has become too loud to ignore, yet you aren’t sure where you’re heading next?
How do you interact with and relate to the people who used to be your people, but now don’t quite get you, nor you them, but you’re bound by social contracts, dependency, and nostalgia and you haven’t yet found a community where you do feel like you belong?
What do you teach your children when you realize that the school they once attended now feels out of alignment with your values and beliefs and is ill equiped to truly prepare them for a future you can’t quite fathom, but you’re scared of holding them back or hindering their development by pursuing alternative educational methods?
Who are you when you realize that the things you once thought were important, now hold very little value for you and the work you once did in the world no longer resonates or feels relevant yet you aren’t completely sure about what you do value and find important now?
What do you believe in when your entire life has been built upon the foundation of one particular paradigm only to have it get picked up by a whirlwind of change, tossed around, and then crash-land on its head shattered into a million pieces? How do you begin to rebuild when you aren’t even sure of what you believe in any longer?
How do you navigate through a season of the unknown?
How do you ‘remember who you are’ when you’re pretty sure that person no longer exists?
How do you rebuild your life after a life-altering event, series of events, or an entire season of massive shifts and changes?
If you were hoping that I’d have some magical silver bullet answer to any of the questions above, my apologies. I don’t have the answers to your questions and neither does anyone else besides you...which should make you feel better because that places you in a position of power, although you probably don’t feel that way right now. If any of this resonates, please know that you are not alone and it’s okay, and it’s actually essential, to allow yourself to feel the emotions that inevitably accompany any liminal space.
I feel like so many of us are navigating this space right now.
I have quit being surprised when a casual call with a former colleague or chance encounter with a long-lost friend takes a turn plunging us into a deep, and often tearful, confession of that person’s current struggle with some form of inner or outer turmoil that’s disrupting, not only their life, but the very foundational paradigm upon which their life was built. Each conversation reveals a similar theme. Whether we like it or not, change is inevitable and with change comes a season of venturing into the unknown.
So how do we navigate turbulent times of transition? How do we remain strong through the current and coming storms? I personally believe that connection is key…connection to our hearts, our higher power, nature, and this present moment. When the emotions are intense, I try to remember the following steps and use them to ground back into faith, peace, and love and then I move forward one step at a time.
Acknowledge what is and Anchor it into your Awareness.
I repeat the following mantra: “I see the changes happening all around me and I feel [insert current emotion]. I am safe and it is okay to fully feel this [emotion]. Neither the past nor the future exists, only this moment right now and I choose to be aware and present right now to what is. I know that this [emotion] will pass in a few moments if I’ll allow it to flow through me.” Sometimes an intense few moments of tears, dancing, running, or screaming into a pillow ensue. :-)
Breathe in the Beauty & Blessings.
Seriously, once you’ve taken time to feel the feels, take in a big deep breath and be grateful that you are alive to feel and move and witness the beauty that exists right in front of you. How many people and resources were involved in curating this current moment for you to witness? (Your parents, construction workers, engineers, farmers, etc.) If you are breathing, you are prospering.
Choose Consciously and Count.
As you acknowledge what is during this present moment and breathe in the gratitude of being alive, choose consciously how you will live right now. What story will you create? Will you choose faith or fear, kindness or malice, positivity or negativity, truth or lies? Count to four as you inhale, hold your breath for one second, and then count to six as you exhale. Count your blessings as you count your breaths and notice how your body relaxes into the present moment.
Don’t Stop, Just Pause.
Don’t stop believing. Don’t stop loving. Don’t stop trusting. Don’t stop feeling. Don’t stop helping others. Don’t stop looking for new perspectives and alternative solutions to whatever obstacles seem to be in your way. Don’t stop choosing to BE who you know you are at your core. Don’t stop asking yourself, “What is the lesson and the blessing I’m meant to receive through this situation?” Pause long enough to follow these steps, but then travel onward. Just don’t stop.
Navigating this world’s shakedown doesn’t have to be scary, but it can be, because we’re human. When you feel emotions rising up in response to your current situation, pause, acknowledge and accept what is, breathe in the beauty and the blessings and choose consciously how to move forward.
It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to pause. It’s okay to ask for help. Just don’t stop.
Remember, you are uniquely equipped to navigate your own journey and make the best choices possible for yourself and your family. The great paradox is that when we do finally realize that we can’t forcibly control the end result the way we have been conditioned in the past to believe that we can control our future, we can finally relax into the truth that we can control ourselves and how we show up each moment. And moments are the building blocks of the future, so that’s really where the magic happens. This is how we navigate the unknown and begin to naturally attract blessings far greater than any we ever could have imagined for ourselves to begin with.
During seasons such as the one many of us find ourselves navigating currently, it can be tempting to ‘go at it alone’ because we don’t believe that anyone could possibly understand our unique situation and that’s true. However, if you’re like me, you aren’t necessarily seeking to be understood, just seen and acknowledged for showing up for yourself and those you love the most while soaking in the warmth of a real human conversation designed to dive deep and shed some clarity on where you’re going and where you’ve been. If that sounds nourishing to your soul, a healthy dose of encouragement and heart-holding are just a click away.
You’ve got this. Travel on dear one, travel on.