Into the Unknown
You are uniquely equipped to navigate the adventure of your life, including all the highs and lows and moments in between. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to do it alone. During seasons such as the one many of us find ourselves navigating currently, it can be tempting to ‘go at it alone’ because we don’t believe that anyone could possibly understand our unique situation and that’s true. But if you’re like me, you aren’t necessarily seeking to be understood, just seen and acknowledged for showing up for yourself and those you love the most while soaking in the warmth of a real human conversation designed to dive deep and shed some clarity on where you’re going and where you’ve been. If that sounds nourishing to your soul, a healthy dose of encouragement and heart-holding are just a click away. You’ve got this. Travel on dear one, travel on.

Moving On…
It was nearly 18 months ago that I caught myself mentally packing up my belongings from the home that was our safe haven during one of the toughest, most challenging, and yet equally blessed and magical seasons of my life. When I came to realize that I had been unconsciously envisioning myself packing everything up and assessing what I would keep versus give away, it took me a bit by surprise. I had come to love this community that enveloped me and my girls with warmth and compassion and invited us in as if we had always belonged here. In many ways, I never wanted to leave, and I may not ever completely leave. A piece of my heart will always feel at home here, just as it started identifying this place as home many years before I ever imagined it actually would be my home. But the vision made me realize a truth inside myself that I had been reluctant to admit, the time to move on was nearing and I better get used to the idea whether I liked it or not.